Creating or editing your content:
You may have done a spell check, but if this is an important communication, you may want me to do a “clarity” check. More importantly, I can help create a tone that is enticing and can lead to increased sales. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it that gets the best results.
Writing Projects:
This is a partial list of projects I routinely offer to help your messages get through all the clutter and distractions in today’s click-happy world:
- Quick reviews – ZERO – $25. Zero is for my email clients – in most cases I will double-check your emails before you send them for no charge. In other situations, if you want me to look over something you are about to publish, mail, or otherwise send out to clients that is really critical, let me help you. Please note: It can take up to 24 hours for this “quick” review, so don’t have an immediate deadline if possible.
- Website Home Page Introduction – $50. I make sure when they land on your site, they stick around for a while.
- About Me Page – $50. Whatever business you are in, this is where your potential clients will get a first impression. Make sure this is concise and compelling or you might be losing business – over and over again!
- Email Template Creation – ZERO to $100. The ZERO part is because this is a free service for those who sign-up with me to start a Constant Contact Account. Sign-up for your 60-day free trial.
- Email Content Creation – $25 – 100. If all you need are my words, that’s $25. Need some designing? A bit more. Need me to do it all from start to finish so you can stay on top of running your business? Full service is $100. No email gets sent without your final approval.
- Artist Statements – $25 – 50. Do you know what the top 3 mistakes are that cause people to click away? I do and I can fix them for you. Visit the Artist Corner for more information about my special services for the artist and maker community!
I can create a variety of advertising, marketing, and selling tools:
Press Release: The most under-utilized tool out there! Only$50 if I have all the needed information provided. $100 if I need to gather information such as addresses, phone numbers, business hours, and other who, what, when, where, and why details needed to create the full story.
Logos, Business Cards, Post Cards, Brochures, Line Sheets, Shopping Cart Descriptions, Hang-tags, Resumes. Need straight talking ad copy? I can write ads or product descriptions for Craigslist, Ebay and Etsy sites, Real Estate ads and open house flyers, and much more. Prices vary.
OH! And do I ever love creating Tag Lines! Need one for your logo, book title, or need a heading for a postcard? I am a wizard with blog post and email subject titles, too. I can help sum up your story. I live in a thesaurus – so you don’t have to!
Whatever your project, if it involves words, “my golden words” are worth the investment.
Some of the more popular consulting projects are also reasonably priced – starting for as little as $49.00
- Marketing Plans – Do you use Social Media or emails? Are you reaching your target audience? Are you sales growing? A good marketing plan will help.
- Business Plans – Can your idea thrive against competition? Can you do it all online? Do you need funding? Do you know who your target audience is and how to reach them? Should you sell wholesale or only retail or both?
- Pricing Reviews – Are you charging enough for your products or services. If you are an artist, are you following the formula for profitability? Can you raise your price? Should you raise your price? Want to sell at wholesale, but not sure if you have that price right?
- Brainstorming – Do you have an idea, but aren’t sure how to put it into action? Are you stuck in a rut with your marketing? Are you stuck with creating your business persona, name, or logo?
- Branding Strategies – Are you missing some opportunities? Is your brand understood? Do you need to Re-Brand your business? Do you even have a brand?
- Website Reviews – Is your website mobile friendly? Are your links all working? Is your site easy to navigate? Is your message clear? I prepare a full review based on a variety of criteria for success. (This does NOT include SEO – search engine optimization.)
- Email marketing – I am highly trained and Core Certified with Constant Contact in email marketing. I actually co-authored an e-course on the subject – go buy it! Do you use an email service provider? Or are you just sending bulk through your Gmail, Hotmail, outlook, etc? If you are not using a professional program, you are not using Email Marketing in your business – you are just sending email. You are missing major bells and whistles!
Contact me to discuss your needs and goals! No charge to explore!
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