The E's of Selling Art Blog
These posts are based on the successful “E’s of Selling Art System” that has been shared with many hundreds of artists at seminars for over 30 years. Eventually, I published the guidebook pictured here. (And now, I have even added the “Find Loving Homes for Your Art” weekly podcast.) So many ways to gain confidence and find your authentic sharing spirit!
Scroll to enjoy nearly two years of articles!

The Final Post (for a little while)
As I sign-off for a brief hiatus, I leave my artist community to ponder their awesomeness and their responsibilities to humanity-at-large. You are definitely not selling a commodity. This post will set you on fire, increase your self-worth, and give you the confidence to find homes for your art.

Part Four: Slow Everything Down, Regroup, Breathe
There is a long list of do’s and don’ts that need your attention and patience as a presentation moves from the Awareness Stage, to the Consideration Stage, and finally to the Decision Stage. Sometimes the decision is made to put off making a decision. But nothing is final. Nothing is going to happen or not going to happen unless you are actively involved in every bit of this moment of indecision. Let’s examine that list of things to do in detail at this critical junction.

Be Agreeable
There is nothing more important than being agreeable. When they say they need to think about it (The Dreaded Six Words) you must not become panicky, show disappointment, lose faith, or drop your card in their hand and scoot them off. Just be agreeable. This article will help you with this easy, but not simple, skill set.

Do you know why they should buy your art?
Sometimes we lose track of the obvious. We get all up into the big stuff and forget the small stuff – like why someone would WANT to buy our art. If you can give yourself a nice list of why owning your art is important, you are more likely to pursue finding homes for your art. I have a list!

The Six Dreaded Words
The Six Dreaded Words can be the moment of truth for many of us. If you don’t know what to do and what to say when faced with a premature end to a presentation of your art, this is one of a series of articles that will help you. Let’s explore this important subject!

Whatever You Focus On ______s!
What are you focusing on? What should you be focusing on? Why are you losing your focus? These questions and more are examined in the article with a checklist of suggestions on what to actually focus on so you can find more homes for your art.

Don’t Ignore the Biggest Question
Pricing is hard to do. But showing your prices to potential collectors, whether online or in real-time at art events, should be easy. This article will help you with this important business concept.

Snap Out of It!
Of all the E’s, from the E’s of Selling Art System, Elasticity can be one of the more challenging to put into practice. In this article, you will find a little inspiration mixed with helpful hints to keep you in the right frame of mind. There’s even a link to a super checklist that could be a real game-changer at your very next art show.

Four Dirty Little Words
When we are in situations where we are showing our artistry to total strangers, we naturally want to tell the world all about our art and ourselves. And the Four Dirty Little Words begin to dominate. This article will give you tips to corral your ego and to turn everything around. With just a little rethinking and minor vocabulary revisions, you can easily make it all about them.

Aren’t You Curious?
Your job, when showing your art in a face-to-face situation, is to instill a comradery. Your goal is to find more homes for you artful creations. That requires you to find out what a viewer is liking (or not liking!) and help them hone their interests in your work. The easiest way to get to their core feelings is to be curious. The examples in this article with help you gain more trust.