Artist Interview: Patricia Griffin

Artist Interview: Patricia Griffin

Another terrific artist took the time to chat with me! Fine Art Ceramist Patricia Griffin and I explored several topics in this podcast. We explored her transition to becoming a full-time artist. Her transition to opening a public space and becoming a retail shop...
Who Is It For? EP 44

Who Is It For? EP 44

And… What is it for?   Well, well, well. A series of clicks found me re-visiting an amazing talk by Seth Godin. It’s from December of 2017, but it’s still so relevant today. And, it will be just as relevant two or twenty years from now. Its...
Don’t Start an Argument EP 43

Don’t Start an Argument EP 43

Make Love Not War ‘Tis the season for people to start lining up and deciding to take a stance in our whacky world of politics. It’s getting louder and harder to remain ignorant of all the goings-on. And, we all have the freedom to speak our minds. But this...
Get on the Brand Wagon EP 42

Get on the Brand Wagon EP 42

Got Brand? The concept of a “brand” can be nebulous. On the face of it having an identifiable brand might seem all about corporate/big business. Yes, the major “brands” have that look and feel and strong ties to giant marketing machines, but...
Focus on the …Squirrel! EP 41

Focus on the …Squirrel! EP 41

SQUIRREL! I can’t really explain how my squirrely mind came up with this podcast, but I think you will come away with a new point of view. And hopefully, some strong connections that will lead to you finding loving homes for your art. Bottom line: I want you to...
Put It In Neutral EP 40

Put It In Neutral EP 40

Are you too sexy for your car?* This is bound to be a controversial podcast, but that’s never stopped me in the past. I know that some people will thank me, but some will shun me. I am talking very frankly in this week’s episode. I try to always bring the...
Is Your Art For Sale? EP 39

Is Your Art For Sale? EP 39

Where’s the PROOF?! Recently, I decided to explore a platform that has a huge user-base that I want to connect with: Instagram. There is such a huge community of artists and makers using that platform and I finally felt compelled to join in the fray. I even...
The Five Words EP 38

The Five Words EP 38

The Cat’s Out of the Bag! In this week’s podcast, just 17 minutes long, you are going to get the secret sauce: the ingredients AND the recipe that I rarely share. These Five Words are the key teachings of my guidebook. But don’t think you are off the...
Money, Money, Money…MONEY! EP 37

Money, Money, Money…MONEY! EP 37

Are your prices too high or too low? Goldilock’s principles rarely work in the art industry. There is no such thing as just right when it comes to pricing art. It’s an art form all on its own. At the same time, if you stray too far in either direction, you...


Don’t let the title scare you! And don’t let your fears get in the way of Finding Loving Homes for Your Art. In this week’s episode, we are going to face those little nagging doubts and even some of the big scary fears that get in the way of you...
As They Walk Away EP 35

As They Walk Away EP 35

We have all been there We had a great bonding. It was clear that they loved the work. It was clear that money was not an issue. It was obvious that they were going to own your art. They seemed on the brink of saying yes and suddenly, they just don’t....
I’m Daring You To Believe EP 34

I’m Daring You To Believe EP 34

I was overwhelmed and re-energized (again) by watching an interview by Marie Forleo with a totally rocking dance phenom by the name of Amanda LaCount. I tossed aside my prepared notes and just took all that emotion and put it into this episode. I hope you get...