by McKenna | Aug 7, 2019 | Podcast |
Special Attention Required! On the heels of the last podcast, there were some deep conversations and a great comment that added even more dimension to the whole discussion of creating better first contact engagement. And it was obvious that I was concentrating on a...
by McKenna | Jul 31, 2019 | Podcast |
Confusion Dilutes Passion It can feel awkward, even uncomfortable, to allow someone a little time and space to become visually acquainted with your oeuvre. Whatever your medium, it’s full of stories, full of energy, and full of your spirit. Your art is the...
by McKenna | Jul 24, 2019 | Podcast |
All is not lost Last week’s podcast stirred up some off-site conversations. But one brave soul did put her thoughts into the comments and got me to thinking. Thanks for stirring up the hornet’s nest, Jennifer! You inspired this podcast. And so I am...
by McKenna | Jul 17, 2019 | Podcast |
Are you dampening your sales by (accidentally) dampening your empathy? As many of you reading this already know, empathy is the foundation of selling anything and everything. Aside from how valuable your empathy is during a presentation of your art, without empathy in...
by McKenna | Jul 10, 2019 | Podcast |
Patricia Coulter shares her insights I am so fortunate to have been able to interview Patricia Coulter. I had always enjoyed her work, but now that I know the “rest of the story”, I am also in awe of her talent as a businesswoman, too. Surf City Acrylic on...
by McKenna | Jul 3, 2019 | Podcast |
In order to gain and maintain trust, it is critically important (remember that all-important word, empathy?) that you understand “Your Buyer’s Journey”. Every buyer goes through three stages with virtually every purchase. The more connected you are...
by McKenna | Jun 26, 2019 | Podcast |
Despite the title, this is not about politics. No, this is about something called “implicit bias” and its effect on your ability to find loving homes for your art. This podcast might just be one of my favorites. It takes you on a very twisted road and...
by McKenna | Jun 19, 2019 | Podcast |
What? Hide what? What in the world? Okay. I get it. Seems odd. So, you will need to listen to learn why this is “a thing” and why I am recommending you take this under deep consideration. Of course, some of you may not need to hide your website, but you...
by McKenna | Jun 12, 2019 | Podcast |
Oprah recently shared her mantra at a commencement speech. Not her mission statement, not a slogan, not a tag-line, but her mantra. It’s a powerful one! If you aren’t sure what a mantra is, well… it’s hard to replace that word with any other. A...
by McKenna | Jun 5, 2019 | Podcast |
This is one of the toughest things to do in face-to-face selling. However, when you understand your responsibility to your collectors or potential collectors, it becomes easier. When you remember the key mantra “It’s all about them; it’s not about...
by McKenna | May 29, 2019 | Podcast |
This episode is a bit of a departure. I have been fairly consistent in bringing you into the “system” – the E’s of Selling Art System. A huge percentage of what I have discussed in the past 23 episodes (with the exception of the two interviews)...
by McKenna | May 22, 2019 | Podcast |
While many tell me that many of my podcasts serve up some inspirational and aspirational attitudes, this episode is full-blown cheerleader, coach, motivational speaker, and my best impression of a serious pep rally all rolled into one. If you take a moment to clear...
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