by McKenna | Apr 3, 2019 | Art Marketing Blog |
This is something I just have to address. It’s bugging me big time. However, it’s not a subject that will work in a podcast, so get ready for a bit of a venting session and a warning for each of you who are considering using any of the techniques I share...
by McKenna | Jan 3, 2019 | Art Marketing, Art Marketing Blog, Sales and Marketing |
If you are having trouble with WordPress, you probably aren’t happy using its plugins either. As this is the first blog of 2019, I am hoping that you are “in the mood” to do something to move your art business forward. And, the best thing you could...
by McKenna | Dec 6, 2018 | Art Marketing, Art Marketing Blog, Sales and Marketing, Website Tips |
(And Why I Build Artist’s Websites in Wix and use SquareUp’s Online Store for E-commerce) What would you do if this shows up in the dashboard of your website’s building area? Warning: You’re currently using deprecated PHP based events tracking...
by McKenna | Nov 8, 2018 | Art Marketing Blog |
There is so much riding on a good display these days compared to the days BCP (Before Cell Phones) affected our ability to concentrate on much of anything. With the average person checking their cell phones 160 times a day (you read that correctly), people are quite...
by McKenna | Oct 11, 2018 | Art Marketing Blog |
Update – May 8, 2019I have to report that the site was/is and maybe will be in the future a bit unstable. Shortly after writing this blog post, a few people reported they couldn’t get their membership to my site to happen. Another wanted to upgrade and got...
by McKenna | Sep 5, 2018 | Art Marketing, Art Marketing Blog |
I have a big mess on my hands as I write this. Some of you will be getting a postcard – hundreds actually with special news. For those of you reading this who purchased my “E’s of Selling Art System – Guidebook, Worksheets, and...
by McKenna | Aug 22, 2018 | Art Marketing, Art Marketing Blog |
I had a different post in mind for publishing this week. However, Mother Nature has created a very special to-do list for me instead. But I want to take this moment to remind all my followers: Have a plan! I am officially battening down the hatches and so this is a...
by McKenna | Aug 8, 2018 | Art Marketing Blog, Sales and Marketing |
The virtual world is now colliding with the virtual world. Apparently, spending way too much time on social media sites is finally “a thing” that needs fixing. Facebook (and their other company, Instagram) can now help you with that obsessive habit. A new...
by McKenna | Jul 25, 2018 | Art Marketing Blog, Essential Tools, Sales and Marketing |
You may have seen the term “value proposition” show up here and there. It’s one of the golden rules of business. You must have a “strong” value proposition. It’s hammered into the brain of every business school graduate. It’s...
by McKenna | Jul 11, 2018 | Art Marketing Blog, Sales and Marketing |
Just when you thought you were settled into a rhythm with your online marketing channels, a whole new world of possibilities opened up: IGTV or Instagram TV. As I write this, it’s only been a few weeks, but it’s creating quite a stir! IGTV for Artists...
by McKenna | Jun 27, 2018 | Art Marketing Blog, Sales and Marketing |
First of all, I must say that I do everything in my power to avoid watching traditional television – and especially commercials. If I saw a random list of titles, I would fail at identifying the vast majority of shows that are on “prime time”. I just...
by McKenna | Jun 13, 2018 | Art Marketing, Art Marketing Blog |
I was asked, once again, to review a website and it hit me. People are missing the entire middle ground. The site I reviewed was heavy in “introduction” and it had the “end-game”; a shopping cart. But there was nothing in the middle. Everything...
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